Space Travels
Young Foxes (10 - 12 years)
Reading List
"If You Had Your Birthday Party on the Moon" by Joyce Lapin
“Hello, World! Kids' Guides: Exploring the Solar System” by Jill McDonald
"Destination: Jupiter" by Seymour Simon
“Exoplanets" by Seymour Simon
"Destination Moon" by Seymour Simon
"The Mysteries of the Universe: Discover the best-kept secrets of space" (DK Children's Anthologies) by Will Gater
"National Geographic Kids Everything Mars" by Elizabeth Carney
Learning Outcomes
Student-authored text:
Students create a travel brochure or poster about a planet of their choice.
Research, Presentation Skills, Geographical Knowledge and Scientific Understanding.
Art Integrations
Painting, Collage, Clay Sculpting, Papier Machê, Illustration, Pattern-making and Quilling.